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More work, reviews

In the Artsfuse, book commentary: Peter Stamm's "The Archive of Feelings" and Bernhard Schlink's "The Grandaughter"


Out in Five Points, a personal-essay history of race and racism. 'How I Learned to Black and White.'  https://fivepoints.gsu.edu/


New in World Literature Today, a discussion of Celine's two dramatically discovered novels, Guerre and Londres. Previously, an essay on the politics of Michel Houellebecq's fiction.



In the Artsfuse, a review of the brilliant French-Congolese author Alain Mabanckou.

Recent fiction includes 'Evangeline, or Theories of Childhood Development', in The Iowa Review, and 'Mrs. Trefoil's Parlor' in a special edition of The Michigan Quarterly, edited by the MacArthur recipient Heather McHugh. In Agni Online, an opinion on the controversy over Peter Handke's Nobel Prize.


A contemporary translation and adaptation of The Lulu Plays by Frank Wedekind enjoyed a full-length staged reading in October under the aegis of the New York Theater Workshop, and is currently in development.


The play Paul and Emile, or 'The Masterpiece', benefited from a staged reading in Paris at Moving Parts Theater, and last June an Equity reading via Zoom commissioned by a Broadway producer.


Check out pointdevueparis.com for two centimes on politics, art, and daily life from a Euro-perspective.


More stories, essays, and poetry translations can be found in the journals Epiphany, Consequence, American Scholar, Agni, Kenyon, Southwest Review, and Arrowsmith. For frequent reviews see On the Seawall, World Literature Today, and The Artsfuse.